Welcome to OutBreak!

Aliens are attacking the earth! (once again!!) To avoid the elimination of the human race, you have to defeat the alien army, which sends colored bricks as their weapons. Find a way to break all those bricks, using your spaceship (your paddle) and a few extra weapons. Use these weapons carefully, because you will need them in higher levels to reach the goal.

Your extra weapons are:
The Laser: Bricks can be destroyed from the distance. (Lasershot) It eliminates 1 or 2 bricks the beam touches, regardless of their hit-ratio.
The Plasma-Rocket: with this powerfull ranged-weapon, all bricks in line of the plasma will be eliminated. It may! destroy all bricks regardless of their hit-ratio.
The Floater: this makes your paddle free-floating in the space. Be carefull, it's a tricky thing. (remark: the upper border ist the last brick-row.)
The Barrier: this Barrier avoids the lost of a life, if the ball hit the lower border. In that barrier the paddle is secured from asteroid-impacts.
The Gluer: with this "weapon", the ball immediatly returns to your paddle and sticks on the paddle. The ball is released if you turn off the gluer. (remark: the ball destroys all bricks in the line of return and teleports trough unbreakable bricks!)

All this weapons use some ore more energie of your ship. (each time you use a weapon - eg. laser, or during the use of a weapon - eg. barrier) If your ship has no energie anymore, it explodes and you loose one life!
So use this weapons carefully and tacticaly!

The aliens use following brick-classes:
Hit the brick 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, or 6 times, to destroy the brick.

There are a few extra-classes:
The Invincible, The "Semi"invincible (only laser or rocket will destroy them) !!Beware!! If you hit this brick-it becomes to the Invincible!, Extra energy, Extra Life and the big invisible (one time hit).

For each brick you destroy, you earn 100 points and 10 points per hit.

Maybe there are a few other classes the intelligence department haven't found out.

You have 500 seconds per level to eliminate the bricks, otherwise the aliens come over the earth! Beware: after 250 seconds, you reach the asteroid belt!!
All 50 seconds the bricks coming nearer and nearer. (the speed depends on the level.)

To pause the game, press any key on your keyboard! Use the options to stop the sound or the background-scrolling. (Good to gain performance on weak PCs)

Hint: move the paddle with the mouse carefully. If the mousecursor is close to the paddle (y-direction) - the speed of the paddle increases. Point the mousecursor far from the paddle for precise aiming (the speed of the paddle is rather low).

all code except pre-loader (C) by R.Schild 2002 www.rocketman.at

S T A R T   G A M E !